SparkleByDJ – Luxury and Quality in Wholesale Jewelry Since 1996

SparkleByDJ – Luxury and Quality in Wholesale Jewelry Since 1996

SparkleByDJ is the ultimate destination for those who value luxury and elegance in jewelry. Owned and managed by Dhananjay Phumbhrra and Kaveta Phumraa, this couple brings decades of experience to the jewelry business. Established in 1996 under the brand name "Kriti," they have been committed to meeting diverse jewelry needs with an elegant touch and superior quality.


With a long journey and strong dedication to quality, SparkleByDJ offers an exclusive, sophisticated, and varied jewelry collection. Specializing in the wholesale market, SparkleByDJ provides an excellent option for jewelry stores and retailers to stock collections that captivate customers.

With the tagline "Luxury Within Reach," SparkleByDJ focuses on aesthetics, attention to detail, and innovative design. You can explore a wide selection of timeless pieces, crafted with precision and a passion for excellence.

Make SparkleByDJ your trusted partner in the jewelry business and experience the uniqueness of collections from the hands of experts


Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, 1-541-754-3010
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