Best Herbal Medicine To Cure Herpes

Best Herbal Medicine To Cure Herpes

HSV1 Cure

If you've been searching for a permanent solution to HSV 1 and HSV 2,

you're not alone. Many people struggle with recurring outbreaks and symptoms despite

conventional treatments. In this video, we introduce a comprehensive Ayurvedic formula

that targets the root cause of herpes, offering a natural, holistic, and permanent

solution. This powerful Ayurvedic approach helps boost your immune system, cleanse

your body, and restore balance, allowing your body to fight off the virus effectively to

cure them.

HSV1 Cure

Ayurvedic Formula (Part 1) to Cure HSV 1 and HSV 2 Permanently:

Our unique blend of herbs and minerals has been carefully selected for their proven

antiviral properties. By following this regimen, many patients have experienced relief

and complete eradication of HSV 1 and HSV 2.

1. Gandhak Rasayan: Take 2 tablets twice daily. Alternatively, you can take

Neemol (Containing Pure Gandhak) at a dosage of 2 tablets three times daily.

Gandhak (purified sulfur) is known in Ayurveda for its detoxifying and antiviral

properties, helping your body combat infections at a cellular level.

2. Vyadhihar Rasayan: Take 125 mg twice daily. This Ayurvedic preparation

strengthens the immune system, promoting healing from within and providing a

protective shield against viral infections.

3. Heerak Bhasma: Take 5 mg twice daily. Made from purified diamond ash, this

potent remedy enhances immunity and improves cellular regeneration, ensuring

the virus is eliminated from the system.

4. Shila Sindoor: Take 5 mg twice daily. A highly effective preparation in Ayurveda,

Shila Sindoor helps in boosting immunity and fighting off viral infections.

For Patients with Gas and Acidity:

Many people dealing with HSV also experience digestive issues, especially gas and

acidity. These remedies are designed to provide relief:

1. Sutshekhar Ras: Take 1 tablet twice daily. This Ayurvedic medicine helps

balance stomach acid, reducing bloating and acidity.

2. Mukta Shukti Bhasma: Take 250 mg twice daily. Made from pearl oyster shell,

this remedy neutralizes excess stomach acid and supports healthy digestion.

3. Panchsakar Churna: Take 3 grams twice daily. This herbal powder works as a

gentle laxative and digestive aid, helping clear toxins from the system and

supporting healthy digestion


Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, 1-541-754-3010
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